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  • Published
    September 28, 2013

    Allen Afield: Wing shooters shouldn’t just let their shots fly

    Rainy, cold weather in June raised havoc with ruffed-grouse production in midcoast and central Maine, so partridge hunting in these regions should prove fair to poor this fall, and I’m betting on poor. Opening day Tuesday will discourage this crowd, but these days serious upland-bird hunters with dogs normally head north to huge, private timberlands […]

  • Published
    September 28, 2013

    Maine artist creates mountainous masterpieces

    Her quiet times around Mt. Katahdin have been the most rewarding part of a painting career that began late.

  • Published
    September 22, 2013

    Best Bets

    MONDAY Boothbay Bird Hike 7:30 to 8:30 p.m., Boothbay Birders of all levels are invited to join the Boothbay Region Land Trust on a hike and birding outing from Spruce Point Inn, led by a land trust veteran birder. No cost. Binoculars are available on loan. Registration is required by calling the Boothbay Region Land […]

  • Published
    September 22, 2013

    Josh Christie: Maine’s many forts offer prime spots for exploration

    Some of my favorite childhood memories are of family visits to Maine’s decommissioned forts. When you’re a kid (and, I’d imagine, even as an adult), there’s something cool about wandering around a military structure that’s over a century old. Fort Knox, located in Prospect, was our most frequent destination, but there’s a whole world of […]

  • Published
    September 22, 2013

    Second nature to get outdoors

    The Great Maine Outdoor Weekend aims to inform and inspire Mainers to enjoy the plentiful offerings around the state.

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  • Published
    September 22, 2013

    Hunting: Accomplished wingshooting isn’t a shot in the dark

    I’ve heard from several instructors that women tend to make better shooters, partly because they’re willing to listen to and follow directions. Most men, on the other hand, figure they already know enough, or are too stubborn to admit they don’t. I’m humble enough to admit I probably could have used a few lessons before, […]

  • Published
    September 22, 2013

    Allen Afield: Sights and sounds of new season fall in

    In my youth, old timers claimed that gardeners could expect frost in a specific area six weeks after goldenrods first blossomed there. For instance, an old friend swears that if goldenrods bloom in his fields on Aug. 17, frost will hit his garden by Sept. 28, exactly 42 days later. In my humble opinion, that […]

  • Published
    September 22, 2013

    Carey Kish: Hiking plus foliage equals fun

    The leaves of the soft maples in the low-lying areas around my home in Bowdoin are changing fast into their classic red colors of fall, and a little more every day I notice the forest fringes turning orange and yellow. Foliage season has certainly arrived, and with it, the start of Fall Foliage Reports from […]

  • Published
    September 22, 2013

    Deirdre Fleming: Law can provide a yardstick to gauge safety for Maine cyclists

    The Bicycle Coalition of Maine (BCM) touts our state as having some of the nation’s most bike-friendly laws. One of the more recent is the “three-foot” law. But is it working? This summer two cyclists were killed after being hit by motorists and a third could have easily suffered the same fate after getting struck […]

  • Published
    September 22, 2013

    North Cairn: Refreshed by puppy love at first sight

    To be honest, it was the emptiness that prompted me to let my life be overrun with chaos – namely, a puppy. I held out for two months after my 10-year-old golden retriever had to be put down, mostly unable to come to a decision about whether to get a dog, and if so, what […]