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Religion and Values

  • Published
    October 6, 2012
    israel evangelica

    Christian TV airs in Jerusalem

    America's two biggest Christian broadcasters would be well set up to cover the Second Coming.

  • Published
    September 29, 2012

    Religion Calendar

    Saturday Blessing of the Animals, 9 a.m., 10th annual prayer service and blessing in honor of St. Francis of Assisi. The event is open to the public, with or without a pet. Parish of the Holy Eucharist, Sacred Heart Church, 326 Main St., Yarmouth. Fifty-cent clothing sale, 9 a.m. to 2 p.m., St. George’s Episcopal […]

  • Published
    September 29, 2012

    Reflections: Matters of the heart and soul matter to heart health

    Saturday is World Heart Day, created by the World Heart Federation, an association of nearly 200 organizations in over 100 countries. At least 80 percent of heart-related illnesses are avoidable, according to the federation. Generally, changes in diet, exercise and lifestyle habits, such as tobacco, make a big difference, but researchers are learning that there […]

  • Published
    September 29, 2012
    Salvatore Coridileone

    ‘The Bombshell by the Bay’

    A key player in the passage of Proposition 8 is the new Catholic leader in San Francisco.

  • Published
    September 29, 2012

    Lesbian pens book on gays coming out to kin in Bible Belt

    A core percentage of conservative Christians is unlikely to change its beliefs, the author says.

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  • Published
    September 22, 2012

    Religion Calendar

    Editors Note: For Yom Kippur high holiday services, please contact individual synagogues for their schedule. Saturday Indoor sale, 8 a.m. to noon, Salvation Army Tabernacle, Union Avenue and Sixth Street, Old Orchard Beach. Clothing swap shop closet, 9 a.m. to noon, Elm Street United Methodist Church, 168 Elm St., South Portland. Free. Volunteers and donations […]

  • Published
    September 22, 2012

    Reflections: There is no expiration date for grief … or for being there to help

    For a year, Josh’s freezer was always full. Every time he would use a casserole provided by faithful family members or friends, someone would replace it with a dish tastier than the last. Not being a cook, Josh never realized how many varieties of recipes there were for lasagna and chili. He also discovered some […]

  • Published
    September 22, 2012

    Rev. Sharpton calls same-sex marriage a civil rights issue

    But opponents of the Maryland ballot question say clergy from black churches are with them.

  • Published
    September 22, 2012

    Faith leaders to aid ‘God’s creatures’

    NAIROBI, Kenya – Standing before a pile of charred elephant ivory as dusk covered the surrounding savannah, Christian, Muslim and Hindu religious leaders grasped hands and prayed. Let religion, they asked, help “God’s creatures” to survive. Poachers are escalating their assault on Africa’s elephants and rhinos, and conservationists warn that the animals cannot survive Asia’s […]

  • Published
    September 15, 2012

    Religion Calendar

    Saturday My Sister’s Keeper will hold a training session for interested mentors and community volunteers from 8:30 a.m. to 3 p.m. at Cape Elizabeth United Methodist Church, Route 77, Cape Elizabeth. The program provides support for women transitioning from incarceration into the community. To register or for details, contact Kelly Dell’Aquila, Director of Services, My […]