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Religion and Values

  • Published
    June 18, 2011


    Bishop Malone announces several priest assignments Bishop Richard Malone has announced the following priest assignments for the Roman Catholic Diocese of Portland: The Rev. Jack Dickinson has been assigned to Corpus Christi Parish, Waterville. Dickinson was recently ordained and began his assignment as parochial vicar on June 15. He is originally from South Berwick and […]

  • Published
    June 18, 2011

    Reflections: Come hell or high water, we should trust in God

    To keep me from becoming Pollyanna-ish in my thinking, I occasionally will set apart some time to “put my thoughts around” those hard issues that threaten us to the core of our being. If our inner selves are awake, we know the tragic is always lounging off-stage awaiting its cue. Individuals and societies are ever […]

  • Published
    June 18, 2011
    Timothy Dolan, Joseph Kurtz, David Malloy

    Bishops OK few revisions to child sex-abuse policy

    One critic calls the failure to overhaul the charter a disaster for children in the U.S. and worldwide.

  • Published
    June 18, 2011

    Prayer and police work bring relic home

    LONG BEACH, Calif. – Parishioners at St. Anthony Church in Long Beach prayed fervently after their 780-year-old relic was stolen. When it was returned, they thanked God and the police for bringing their little piece of St. Anthony back home. “St. Anthony is the patron saint of travelers and lost things, but today he’s also […]

  • Published
    June 11, 2011

    Reflections: Inspiration, thy name is Maggie

    Her picture is on the mantelpiece at my house, taken at an age younger than I ever knew her, but the eyes and the smile are the same. Maggie. She was a short — and believe me, if I perceived her as short, you know she was, just 4 feet 9 inches tall and wearing […]

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  • Published
    June 11, 2011

    Religion Calendar

    Today Seek the Lord in Prayer: Celebration of Praise, 6:30 to 8:30 p.m., Park Avenue Church of God, 28 Park Ave., Portland.  Sunday Sacredness of Breath and Sound, 10 a.m., workshop presented by Phil Shiva Jones, interfaith minister and recording artist. Unity of Greater Portland, 54 River Road, Windham. Visit or call 893-1233 for […]

  • Published
    June 11, 2011

    Idaho party protests statue as ‘false god’

    The Constitution Party says the sculpture of the Hindu god Ganesha is an 'abomination.'

  • Published
    June 11, 2011

    The winds of rapture?

    Mother Nature has some believers wondering if God is trying to tell us something.

  • Published
    June 4, 2011

    Reflections: We are just tending the garden

    We used to live on Blackstrap Road, on top of a hill. One day I was standing in the field behind our house and the thought came into my head: “I don’t really own this field. It’s just mine to take care of.” Before me, the field belonged to somebody else who took care of […]

  • Published
    June 4, 2011

    There’s a Jesuit in the House

    The Rev. Patrick Conroy, U.S. House chaplain, talks about the 'firestorm' caused by his selection.