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    Striking FairPoint workers walk picket line - | of | Share this photo

    Ann Nora Murphy pickets outside FairPoint's 5 Davis Farm Road location in Portland for a fourth day Monday. "It's upsetting that someone is coming through and doing your skilled job," said Murphy, who has worked for the company for 28 years. FairPoint brought in replacement workers while its employees strike. Whitney Hayward / Staff Photographer

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    Striking FairPoint workers walk picket line - Whitney Hayward / Staff Photographer | of | Share this photo

    FairPoint employees circle a car they believe to be occupied by a replacement worker outside FairPoint Communications' 5 Davis Farm Road location in Portland on Monday. Strikers chanted "scab" at the car as it made its way into FairPoint's parking lot.

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    Striking FairPoint workers walk picket line - | of | Share this photo

    FairPoint employees circle a car they believe to be occupied by a replacement worker outside FairPoint Communications' 5 Davis Farm Road location in Portland on Monday. Erin Nunn, one of the strike's mobilizers, said business employees that use Davis Farm Road, other than FairPoint workers, are displaying signs on their cars so that strikers can let them pass and easily identify replacement workers. Whitney Hayward / Staff Photographer

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    Striking FairPoint workers walk picket line - Whitney Hayward / Staff Photographer | of | Share this photo

    FairPoint employee and strike mobilizer Erin Nunn directs protest chants as a potential replacement employee tries to drive through picket lines and into FairPoint's 5 Davis Farm Road parking lot in Portland on Monday. "I've been through this before, and you can tell who a scab is. They try and drive through, and they don't make eye contact," Nunn said.
