WINSLOW — A woman used a pair of nunchucks to briefly fend off a prolonged attack from her ex-boyfriend, who threatened her with a knife and twice kept her from calling for help, police said.

Christopher Rolling Fox, 33, was arrested Saturday night on seven charges – including criminal threatening with a dangerous weapon – after he allegedly pushed his way into his ex-girlfriend’s apartment on Monument Street and violently assaulted her for several minutes, Lt. Josh Veilleux said. The victim, whom police didn’t name, was treated for injuries at an emergency room and later released.

Veilleux, in a written account of the attack, said the assault began about 10 p.m. Saturday when Fox walked to the woman’s home from the Bob-In tavern in Waterville, where he had been drinking. When Fox arrived, he pounded on the door until the woman answered.

Fox confronted the woman because he “thought she was seeing another man,” Veilleux said.

The woman repeatedly asked Fox to leave, but he shoved her into the apartment where she fell into a kitchen table, Veilleux said. Fox followed close behind and punched her, he said.

“The fight was so violent that the stove and refrigerator had been knocked out of place,” Veilleux said.


The woman fought back and said she broke free from her assailant and dialed 911, but he pried the phone out of her hands and threw it across the room before she could speak to the operator. Then Fox yanked a chin-up bar from a doorway and threw it at her, striking her, she said.

Next, the woman, said, she grabbed a pair of nunchucks and struck Fox several times in self-defense, but he pinned her against a wall. She broke free, fled to her bedroom and dialed 911 a second time.

In the meantime, she alleges, Fox grabbed a knife from the kitchen and threatened to kill himself.

The woman was able to provide her address to dispatchers, but Fox snatched the phone from her a second time, ending the call. Next, Fox locked the apartment door and told her she wouldn’t be able to leave. When Fox turned away to reach for another knife, she said, she escaped from the building.

“She took off down the street with Fox right behind her,” Veilleux said. Then, when Fox saw the woman making a third call to police, he ran in a different direction.

A few minutes later, police found Fox, whom they said was uncooperative and initially gave a false name.


Fox, of 210 Cemetery St., Vassalboro, was charged with seven crimes. Two charges are class C felonies — aggravated criminal trespassing and criminal threatening with a dangerous weapon — which carry maximum sentences of five years in prison and $5,000 in fines. Three charges are class D misdemeanors — domestic violence assault, criminal mischief and obstructing the report of a crime — which are punishable by one year in jail and $2,000 in fines. Fox was also charged with possession of marijuana and failure to provide a correct name, address and date of birth.

Fox was taken to Kennebec County jail, where he was released Wednesday on $50,000 surety bail.

Ben McCanna — 861-9239

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