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Nation & World

  • Published
    July 14, 2013
    Dave Camp, Max Baucus

    Legislators work on tax reform

    Democrat Max Baucus and Republican Dave Camp face a difficult slog forward.

  • Published
    July 14, 2013
    Harry Reid

    Senate ponders filibuster reform

    Democrats want votes on Obama's picks to join his cabinet as well as other administrative jobs.

  • Published
    July 14, 2013

    Justice Dept: Zimmerman case under review

    The Justice Department says it is looking into the shooting death of Trayvon Martin to determine whether federal prosecutors should file criminal civil rights charges.

  • Published
    July 14, 2013

    Courts will settle with Asiana passengers differently

    An international treaty is likely to close U.S. courts to many foreigners and force them to pursue their claims in Asia and elsewhere, where lawsuits are rarer, harder to win and offer smaller payouts.

  • Published
    July 14, 2013

    Zimmerman trial protesters aim to keep up momentum

    The Rev. Al Sharpton said Monday that his organization will hold vigils and rallies in 100 cities Saturday in front of federal buildings.

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  • Published
    July 14, 2013

    Cory Monteith, star of hit show ‘Glee,’ found dead

    The Canadian-born actor, who had battled addiction, is found dead in a Vancouver hotel room.

  • Published
    July 14, 2013

    Asiana flight attendants make news with bravery

    The 12-person cabin crew were instrumental in saving lives during the July 6 crash.

  • Published
    July 14, 2013

    Zimmerman’s attorney says safety a concern

    Defense attorney Mark O'Mara says, "there still is a fringe element that wants revenge. They won't listen to a verdict of not guilty."

  • Published
    July 14, 2013

    Woman gored during final bull run in Spain

    The 23-year-old Australian woman was gored in the back and suffered multiple rib fractures and damage to her right lung that left her in "very grave" condition after an operation.

  • Published
    July 14, 2013

    World Dispatches

    CAIRO, Egypt Islamist lawmakers press for Morsi to be reinstated Islamist lawmakers in Egypt’s disbanded upper house of parliament demanded Saturday the army reinstate ousted President Mohammed Morsi, and called on other legislatures around the world not to recognize the country’s new military-backed leadership. Morsi’s supporters, including his Islamist allies, remain steadfast in their rejection […]