islandport press
PublishedJanuary 1, 2018
Islandport Press: And Then We Said Goodbye
I don’t know when my grandmother forgot who I was—when those fiery eyes, once as clear as an autumn afternoon on the bay, completed their Alzheimer’s journey from knowing through cloudiness to unnerving blankness. By Dean Lunt
PublishedJanuary 1, 2018
Islandport Press: Q&A with Mari Dieumegard
Mari Dieumegard is an artist and illustrator who was born and raised in Alaska. She now lives near a lake in Maine in a house that she shares with her husband and two children. The Old Mainer and the Sea, written by Jean Flahive, is her first picture book.
PublishedJanuary 1, 2018
Islandport Press: Beyond Bert & I
John McDonald Continues to Hone Maine Storytelling Tradition. By Scott Sell.