riverview psychiatric center
PublishedJanuary 7, 2019
Unsigned contract leaves Mills administration to decide how state’s new psychiatric center will be run
Correct Care Solutions of Tennessee agreed to the incoming governor's request not to sign the contract drawn up by the LePage administration.
PublishedDecember 17, 2018
Attorney files motion for contempt against Maine DHHS commissioner
Sarah Branch says her mentally ill client's ordeal of having to spend nearly a month in jail before receiving court-ordered treatment is an example of a larger problem.
PublishedDecember 12, 2018
Court master moves to block state’s funding plan for new psychiatric facility
Daniel Wathen says Maine DHHS wants to pay a contractor to run the facility with $5.4 million that is supposed to fund community-based services.
PublishedAugust 15, 2018
Our View: Riverview Psychiatric Center fix should fall to Maine’s next governor
Paul LePage's half-implemented plan, created in secrecy and largely without stakeholder input, should not be shoehorned through in his final months in office.
PublishedJune 25, 2018
Riverview social worker who alleged retaliation settles lawsuit
Jennifer Taghavidinani has released all of her claims against the state in exchange for $55,000.
PublishedApril 16, 2018
Auditor says state shouldn’t spend federal funds on Riverview Psychiatric Center
Auditor Pola Buckley says the state keeps using federal funds on the hospital, which has lost its federal certification, despite facing a $51 million penalty from the federal government for doing so.
PublishedOctober 8, 2017
Our View: LePage blocks path forward for Riverview
The governor won't collaborate, and people with mental illness in state care pay the price.
PublishedSeptember 15, 2017
Man committed in 1970 granted unsupervised time outside Riverview
Donald Beauchene, who was acquitted in the 1969 slaying of a woman in Portland by reason of insanity, will be allowed to leave the grounds of the state psychiatric hospital for three to four hours at a time.
PublishedJune 27, 2017
Court rejects convicted murderer’s bid for release from Riverview
Mark Gessner, originally of Waldoboro, was committed after being found not criminally responsible by reason of insanity for two other crimes that occurred in prison.
PublishedJune 8, 2017
U.S. demands return of $51 million in federal funds that Maine spent at Riverview
The state was warned that it was improper to use the money after the psychiatric facility was decertified in 2013, an official says, as the loss of funds sparks finger-pointing in Augusta.