RSU 10
PublishedNovember 7, 2024
Air quality, mold specialist cites ‘chronic problem’ at Mexico middle school
Engineer estimates it would cost hundreds of thousands of dollars to make the school safe.
PublishedOctober 8, 2023
Free speech or uncivil discourse? Maine association advises tamping down on public comments at school board meetings
The Maine School Management Association has suggested schools adopt policies that prohibit offensive speech and complaints against specific staff or students at board meetings, but First Amendment advocates say it's a step too far.
PublishedDecember 14, 2021
Police to check Rumford home in probe of threat made online at school board meeting
Schools set to reopen Wednesday after threats of violence.
PublishedDecember 14, 2021
RSU 10 closes schools after online threats during board meeting
Superintendent Deb Alden said hackers seized the Zoom video and audio feed, threatened schools and spewed racial slurs and vulgar language.
PublishedNovember 13, 2021
School staffing shortages persist, worsened by rising COVID-19 cases
With few substitute teachers or bus drivers to fill in for absent and quarantined staff, school employees from administrators to custodians are stepping up to help. Sometimes, it's not enough.
PublishedFebruary 17, 2021
Mexico vaccination clinic almost loses license after offering vaccines to RSU 10 school staff
Med-Care Ambulance offered 30 doses that were set to expire Thursday.
PublishedSeptember 22, 2020
RSU 10 board closes Rumford, Mexico schools after virus outbreak at mill
One positive test was reported at Rumford Elementary School.