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  • Published
    December 23, 2010

    Letters to the editor, Dec. 23, 2010: Vote on tax cut wise or foolish?

    U.S. Rep. Chellie Pingree should be thanked for voting against tax cuts for the super-rich. The gap between rich and poor is increasing, when for the nation’s financial stability it should be shrinking. Taxes of the billionaires should be increased, not cut. Charles Huntington Harpswell  On your Dec. 17 opinion page, U.S. Rep. Chellie Pingree […]

  • Published
    December 23, 2010

    More letters to the editor, Dec. 23, 2010: Feral felines need fixing, not killing

    It is sad and almost embarrassing that a university would recommend such an extreme and inhumane measure as the wholesale killing of feral cat colonies (Dec. 1, “Nature study calls for killing feral cats”). For one thing, not all feral cats are a problem. They become a problem when colonies grow, which happens when their […]

  • Published
    December 22, 2010

    Letters to the Editor, Dec. 22: A big step forward for child nutrition

    Sens. Olympia Snowe and Susan Collins and Reps. Chellie Pingree and Mike Michaud deserve a public thank-you for supporting recent legislation to renew and strengthen child nutrition programs. The law upgrades federal school nutrition standards for the first time in 16 years and provides assistance to schools to teach children and their families about better […]

  • Published
    December 21, 2010

    Letters to the editor, Dec. 21: McKinney a boon to law enforcement

    Washington County Sheriff Donnie Smith claims that MDEA Director Roy McKinney runs a rogue agency. I have been a Portland police officer for nearly 24 years. Nearly half of my police career I was assigned to the Maine Drug Enforcement Agency, either as an investigative agent or as a task force supervisor. The MDEA is […]

  • Published
    December 20, 2010

    Letters to the editor, Dec. 20, 2010Don’t join anti-ObamaCare lawsuit

    I have been reading with dismay the newspaper articles reporting that the incoming attorney general of Maine and the governor-elect are planning to join a lawsuit in Florida challenging the federal Affordable Care Act. It should be noted that these two men, who have (or will have) jobs that provide for comprehensive employer-provided health insurance […]

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  • Published
    December 19, 2010

    Letters to the editor, Dec. 19, 2010Fiscal folly harms workers

    When the debate is over Social Security, tax cuts, etc., can anyone truly answer why the words for labor unions and entitlement programs have become one, as in “union entitlements”? The failure to separate the words by some politicians and lately even in the media is disturbing. When did labor unions’ benefits become synonymous with […]

  • Published
    December 18, 2010
    John Boehner, Mitch McConnell

    Letters to the editor, Dec. 18, 2010Federal, state taxes too high

    To those who think that the “wealthy” are getting unfair breaks or, as one of your letter writers put it, a “free ride,” consider this: At the current “Bush tax cuts for the rich” rate, a person earning $250,000 a year through his or her own hard work, years of education, long hours, self-sacrifice and […]

  • Published
    December 18, 2010

    More letters to the editor, Dec. 18, 2010Arguments for bear baiting miss target

    The Dec. 3 Maine Voices column by Maine Inland Fisheries and Wildlife spokesman Travis Barrett, excusing Maine bear hunting, is as full of holes as the 300th bear he imagines goes unrecovered (“Bear hunting in Maine remains a sport in all its forms”). Barrett offers a new spin of cherry-picked language from “hands on” bear […]

  • Published
    December 17, 2010

    Letters to the editor, Dec. 17, 2010WikiLeaks revealed things we need to know

    The WikiLeaks disclosures literally speak volumes about “official” government positions and policies, versus actual government practices. Whether the United States says one thing and then does another, or simply admits to nothing that it does, the lofty and noble-sounding propaganda gloss that the government covers itself in is at complete odds with reality. Worse, the […]

  • Published
    December 16, 2010

    Letters to the editor, Dec. 16, 2010: Benefits of rules can outweigh costs

    It was recently reported that Gov.-elect Paul Le Page had called on industry and business leaders to help his transition team identify regulations that hinder economic development in Maine. On the surface it would appear that reducing the burden of regulation on industry is a worthwhile goal. But is important to recognize that regulations that […]