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  • Published
    December 1, 2010

    Letters to the edtor, Dec. 1, 2010Ways to solve our fiscal problems

    Ron Bancroft described a series of debt reduction proposals in his Nov. 23 column (“Cutting deficit will mean hard decisions that can’t be put off”), and suggested that we all needed to stop whining and find a solution. Here’s a suggestion that’s much simpler, and in the end cheaper for all of us, than implementing […]

  • Published
    November 30, 2010

    Letters to the editor, Nov. 30, 2010Searching for answers in security

    I was dismayed by Ruth Marcus’ column “TSA’s airport screenings done for our own good” (Nov. 24). The choice between an irradiated strip search or a genital grope is not much of a choice. It is most certainly a violation of our Fourth Amendment right “to be secure in (our) persons, houses, papers, and effects, […]

  • Published
    November 26, 2010

    Letters to the editor, Nov. 26, 2010On sacrifice and being left in the cold

    An old Maine adage advises “Don’t tax you. Don’t tax me. Tax that man behind the tree.” It appears that no one wants to be found behind the tree. We have all enjoyed the benefit of lower taxes for the past 10 years, creating deficits that have now become the cause c?bre of every politician […]

  • Published
    November 25, 2010

    Letters to the editor, Nov. 25, 2010Readers agree: It’s a Christmas tree

    In response to Bill Nemitz’s Nov. 19 column regarding the Monument Square “pine tree” — I am sick and tired of all this political correctness. Call it what it is. A dog is a dog, a cat is a cat, and this is a Christmas tree! It is a symbol of the Christian holiday of […]

  • Published
    November 24, 2010

    Letters to the editor, Nov. 24, 2010’Public art’ matter of taste – and money

    I will be sad to see “Tracing the Fore” leave its space in the Old Port. It was a smart piece of art and green space. We will have one fewer interesting thing to view and to talk about when it is gone. Kathryn Buxton Portland   I would suggest to the Portland Public Art […]

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  • Published
    November 23, 2010

    Letters to the editor, Nov. 23, 2010Blowing cold and hot on wind energy

    Barbara Durkin’s “Another View” on wind power (Nov. 15) provided much-needed factual information about the faulty premise upon which wind power is built, and as someone who is not an expert on the topic, I applaud her viewpoint. She convinced me. So imagine my surprise when I read the very next day that your editorial […]

  • Published
    November 19, 2010

    Letters to the editor, Nov. 19, 2010Where’s real fraud to be found?

    We’ve heard lots of noise lately about welfare reform, and I enjoyed The Press Herald’s series showing abuse of the welfare system was not quite as rampant as many people thought. I chuckled when the paper reported Nov. 10 (“State fights lower-level abuses of welfare aid”) that the attorney general had bent to the winds […]

  • Published
    November 18, 2010

    Letters to the editor, Nov. 18, 2010Job-seekers suffer companies’ brushoffs

    Would it hurt to show some consideration for the unemployed who are doing their best to find a job? There are many employers who are using the Internet to reach out to applicants. This process provides both a time savings and a monetary savings to the company. Other companies require that you stop in to […]

  • Published
    November 17, 2010

    Letters to the editor, Nov. 17, 2010Torture, legal or not, is always wrong

    In a recent interview, NBC correspondent Matt Lauer pointedly asked the former President George W. Bush, “Why is waterboarding legal, in your opinion”? Bush replies that the lawyers said it was legal. While I respect the former president’s regard for the expert opinion, this answer is not enough. It does not express his personal opinion […]

  • Published
    November 16, 2010

    Letters to the editor, Nov. 16, 2010Reader’s advice: Go south – of the bridge

    The issue Pierce Atwood had with the smelly nets and poorly maintained area near the waterfront is the first salvo of fishermen versus everyone else along the Portland waterfront. As more and more businesses decide to take advantage of potentially the most beautiful and inviting waterfront on the East Coast, the lobster and fishing industry […]