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Current Portland Conditions
68° Mostly cloudy
69° RealFeel™

TODAY Not as warm with clouds and sun


18%Chance of Precipitation
2.2 mi/h Wind
29.95 inHg Barometric Pressure
89% Relative Humidity
64F Dewpoint
76% Cloud Cover
10 mi Visibility
  • Sunrise 6:26 AM
  • Sunset 6:43 pm
  • Moon
Ten Day Forecast

  • Today September 19
    73 F | 60 F

    Clouds and sun; not as warm

  • Fri, September 20
    68 F | 58 F

    Breezy in the morning

  • Sat, September 21
    65 F | 54 F

    Mostly cloudy and breezy

  • Sun, September 22
    62 F | 53 F

    Windy with sunny intervals

  • Mon, September 23
    61 F | 49 F

    Turning cloudy

  • Tue, September 24
    66 F | 52 F

    Sun and clouds

  • Wed, September 25
    65 F | 55 F

    A couple of morning showers

  • Thu, September 26
    66 F | 57 F

    Cloudy with a touch of rain

  • Fri, September 27
    68 F | 56 F

    Periods of rain

  • Sat, September 28
    68 F | 58 F

    Remaining cloudy

Tide and Marine Forecast