On behalf of my neighbors and myself, I would like to thank Nate Bennett of Steve’s Lawn and Garden, for his hard work in assisting his friends and neighbors in the Green Acres neighborhood of Scarborough. Nate is always the first to lend a hand to a neighbor needing help, bringing a wealth of resources and knowledge to any task.

This past summer, Scarborough Public Works and Glidden Excavating & Paving Co. did a great job in Green Acres, rebuilding the drainage and re-surfacing the streets. They also put in some great sidewalks on Sunset Road and Elmwood Avenue.

Unfortunately, the town is unable to plow all the sidewalks in town. I suspect it would be cost prohibitive. Nate has taken it upon himself to snow blow the entire network of sidewalks in the neighborhood. This allows the local kids to walk safely to and from the bus stops and for others to take their daily walk out of harm’s way.

Nate’s benevolent behavior is indicative of the attitude of the Green Acres neighborhood. I read all too frequently that neighborhoods in Scarborough have become less neighborly and folks keep to themselves, interacting less than in the past. I am thrilled to live in a neighborhood where folks know one another by first name, still have block parties, and are aware of which of our neighbors are selflessly serving our country in Iraq and Afghanistan. The neighbors watch out for our elderly, make or bake each other gifts for the holidays and still return wandering pets to their rightful homes without fanfare.

In closing, thanks again to Nate Bennett for helping make our community one that is enjoyable to live in, and one we can be proud of!

Scott Macomber


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