Eighth-gaders quiz Baldacci

Gov. John Baldacci recently visited the eighth-grade class of teacher Ray Wynne at Bonny Eagle Middle School.

Wynn was a delegate at the National Democratic Convention and met Baldacci there. The governor agreed to visit and speak with Wynne’s students.

In response to a question on how he began his political career, Baldacci said he was born and raised in Bangor and learned the value of communication and cooperation at a young age. He said he was surrounded by a civic-minded family.

At 23, Baldacci served as a member of the Bangor City Council, his first elected position. He was elected to the Maine state Senate, where he served for 12 years, before being elected to the U.S. House of Representatives for Maine’s 2nd District in 1994. He was elected governor of Maine in 2002 and re-elected in 2006. When asked about the best part of being governor, he replied that he gets to be home with his family and he gets to set an agenda for Maine.

The governor asked the students some civic questions in part of the program called “So You Think You Know A Lot – Our Elections.”

Baladacci advised the students to remember not to make promises they can’t keep, to tell the truth,and to “be yourself.”

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