Thumbs up to all the Class of 2009 graduates, from our local high schools, adult education programs, colleges and universities. Every diploma or degree represents a great amount of hard work, determination and investment of time and (in many cases) money. The graduates should all be commended for seeing their goals through to completion.

Thumbs down to Old Orchard Beach’s decision to remove the Walnut Street portable toilets this season. It’s a “shore” thing that searching around for a vacant bathroom when you need it, or searching for quarters to gain access, is no fun. A more secure setup would alleviate any concerns about tipping and extra cleanings would be a worthwhile investment. Unfortunately, town officials may encounter the alternative to public restrooms: Public urination.

Thumbs up to all the parents and other professionals who spoke about their careers with the students at Biddeford Intermediate School on their annual Career Day. The event gives students the opportunity to learn about real world applications for their studies.

Thumbs down to all the locals who think they can get away with growing marijuana plants in their own homes. There have been several busts lately as police and drug enforcement agencies work together to keep illegal substances off the streets and those officers should be commended for their diligent work. While the use of marijuana is accepted in many circles, that doesn’t change the fact that it is illegal and growers and users will be prosecuted.

Thumbs up to all those who organized and participated in the Public Safety and Preparedness forum at Thornton Academy. Natural disasters are bad enough and the only way to avoid making them worse is to be prepared to take care of yourself, your property and your dependents.

Thumbs down to state cuts for the Sweetser mental health service organization. Sweetser programs help those with behavioral struggles to learn skills for everyday living. Cutting staff and adding more work, by increasing the population on the Saco campus, isn’t the way to help the organization do its job.

Thumbs down to the proposal to buy laptops for high school students in Biddeford. Computer technology is essential today, but having your own laptop is an unnecessary luxury. The school district could undoubtedly invest in new, shared computers for less than the laptop proposal. While the money can’t be held over until voters have their say on major improvements to Biddeford High School, some of it could undoubtedly be used for smaller projects in the school, i.e., new flooring, ceiling tiles, door handles, etc. To spend the entire stimulus sum on laptops seems frivolous when there are so many structural needs.

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