SCARBOROUGH – A parent/teacher/resident group called Saving Excellence in Scarborough Schools is inviting town residents to fill out an online survey to share their vision and funding priorities for the town of Scarborough. The survey is at

The group said the feedback is vital as Scarborough faces the loss of more than $2 million in state education funds during this year and the next. The Town Council and Board of Education are starting to draft budget proposals and consider what services should be cut.

“Instead of waiting and simply reacting to cuts proposed by the School Committee or Town Council, we want residents to share their thoughts about what their priorities are now so they can be considered as our elected officials draft the school and municipal budgets,” Christine Kukka, parent coordinator of Saving Excellence in Scarborough schools, said in a statement.

The group, a volunteer organization made up of residents, parents, and teachers who want to protect the quality of Scarborough’s schools, has been advocating for a communitywide dialogue to define what Scarborough’s spending priorities should be through public hearings and informational meetings.

To date, no such meetings have been scheduled, so the group is promoting the community-wide survey to capture public opinion about what Scarborough’s spending priorities should be. A summary of citizens’ opinions will be released in late February. The group invites all Scarborough residents to fill out the survey.

“The quality of our schools and municipal services directly impacts the quality of life in our community,” said parent and Scarborough resident Helen Rundell. “Many residents moved to Scarborough because of the high caliber of its schools. If we let our schools decline, who will want to buy a home here? Our children’s education will be harmed, as will our property values.”


The survey asks:

• If residents would support higher property taxes in order to maintain the current level of municipal services.

• Which municipal services should retain current funding levels.

• If residents agree with a property tax increase, how much more would they be willing to pay.

The survey also asks residents to rank revenue-generating ideas, such as pay-to-play school sports and raising business and other permit fees. Residents are also asked to share their ideas for maintaining, expanding or reducing all municipal services.

“Rather than be put in a position of simply reacting to proposed cuts, we want residents to think about new, innovative ideas, and for town officials to hear what they have to say,” Kukka said. “If ever there was a time for community dialogue and transparency in government financial decision-making, it is now.”

For more information on Saving Excellence in Scarborough Schools (SESS), e-mail or visit the SESS Web site at

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