Many voters in Forecaster country will be voting early via absentee ballot. As the mother of young college graduates who have little hope of being employed in Maine’s dismal job market, I urge my fellow voters in Yarmouth to join me in voting for the slate of Paul LePage for governor, Dean Scontras for Congress, Jerry Davis for Maine Senate and Jeff Weinstein for Maine House. LePage, Scontras, Davis and Weinstein will direct their efforts toward right-sizing government and unshackling the creative energy of Maine people.

We can figure out for ourselves how to operate our businesses, use our money, light our homes, and do what’s best for our families. When we stop electing statist true-believers who are bent on mandating how to run our lives, our companies, and our communities, we’ll get a government that’s conducive to private sector job growth and prosperity for all Mainers.

Jane Gildart

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