Teenagers learn differently today and they need to be taught differently. I know this because I teach them every day. Quality education today focuses on teaching students how to be critical consumers of information and that often requires different types and sizes of classroom space. The South Portland High School renovation plan will provide a variety of flexible spaces for students and teachers to use.

Many schools today use teaming. Contrary to popular opinion, this is not a fad. Teaming has been successfully used in public education in Maine for at least twenty years. I know from personal experience that it is one of the most effective methods for high quality instruction. My previous job was at a rural Maine high school that was heavily into many different kinds of teaming. I worked for many years with an English teacher in the same room. Students repeatedly told us how much they liked this method and how much it helped them to get a better understanding of what it means to be an American. Discipline issues with two teachers in a room were practically non-existent and students found it much more difficult to “slip through the cracks.”

I encourage the citizens of South Portland to become well informed about the high school renovation project and to think critically about it. Anyone who does do that will want to vote yes in November.

George O. Jones Jr.
South Portland

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