THE WESTERN MAINE SKATE Championships were held Wednesday at Pineland Farm with Freeport and Merriconeag among the schools competing. The Nor th Yarmouth Academy boys and Yarmouth girls were victorious. See meet results in Friday’s sports section. Clockwise from the top, Merriconeag’s Jack Pierce (1); the sunlight splashes the face of Freeport’s Lily LaMarre (24) as she comes out of the woods; Freeport’s Emily Martin (18) skies uphill; Bennett Brainard (11) of Freeport rounds a bend; Zoe Chace-Donahue (2) of Merriconeag competes; as does Freeport’s Alex Sturtevant (5).

THE WESTERN MAINE SKATE Championships were held Wednesday at Pineland Farm with Freeport and Merriconeag among the schools competing. The Nor th Yarmouth Academy boys and Yarmouth girls were victorious. See meet results in Friday’s sports section. Clockwise from the top, Merriconeag’s Jack Pierce (1); the sunlight splashes the face of Freeport’s Lily LaMarre (24) as she comes out of the woods; Freeport’s Emily Martin (18) skies uphill; Bennett Brainard (11) of Freeport rounds a bend; Zoe Chace-Donahue (2) of Merriconeag competes; as does Freeport’s Alex Sturtevant (5).











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