I noticed that my neighbor’s car door had been open for about three hours last Saturday. This wasn’t like her so the girls and I went over to “check on things” and were happy to find her baking cookies while Dean Martin crooned on the radio.

Seems she had left the car open while unloading groceries and sent us home with an appreciative hug and warm cookies to munch as we crossed the street.

My neighbor is 67 and lives alone. She is a sweetheart and watches my girls two afternoons a week so I can stay a little later at People Plus. While she is at my house she will always “tidy up a bit” or fold a load of laundry — just to stay busy.

We love her and take care of her and she loves taking care of us, too. It’s a win-win situation and I don’t know how we’d get by without her.

It is just like People Plus’ relationship with the neighbors and businesses in Brunswick, Topsham and Harpswell. I don’t know how the center would get by without them. In fact, we couldn’t.

In the last month, I’ve been amazed by the outpouring of community support for People Plus. It all started with the Brunswick Teen Center ( BTC) receiving a pallet of water from the Brunswick Rotary Club. The teens have also received funding from the Senter Fund for free SAT prep classes. And Gelato Fiasco is again sponsoring the BTC’s yearly fundraiser — an all- day “ celebrity scoopathon” on April 5. So mark your calendars to get some gelato and see your favorite local celebrities.


This month, local businesses committed to sponsor all 22 tables for People Plus’ 10th annual “ Music In April” fundraiser. Downeast Energy again stepped up as the “Fortissimo” benefactor for this elegant gala, scheduled for April 12th.

And, we’ve had dozens of new members join People Plus in 20112. I get asked all the time how old you have to be to join, and always give my standard answer: “Anyone can become a member, but we recommend you are older than 12 and younger than 112.”

With so many businesses giving discounts for People Plus members, it’s a wonder that everyone in town doesn’t join just to get in on the deals. A $ 25 membership entitles you to all the events, programs and classes at the center, in addition to discounts all over town at places like the Big Top Deli, Eveningstar Cinema, Berrie’s Opticians, Play it Again Sports, The Fairground Cafe, and Bill Dodge Auto Group, to name just a few.

Just check out our website at www.peopleplusmaine.org for a full list of People Plus membership benefits. Then click on the membership link to join.

And while on the site, click on the calendar to see what’s available at the center.

This week we’re celebrating Leap Year with a festive Sadie Hawkins “ social” on Wednesday. There’ll be music, refreshments and fun sponsored by Scott Lemieux and Ameriprise Financial.


On Thursday at noon, we’re kicking off the month with a free pilates/yoga demonstration class with Ann and Dennis Kimmage.

More free stuff this month at the center includes AARP tax help, an Author’s Chat with Ken Nye, Café en Francais, Civil War Book Club, Pain Free (Almost!) Gardening, three community shared meals, Computer Tutor with Jack Hudson and math enrichment (for elementary school-aged students). And it’s all free.

Some other classes running this month are adult ballet, meditation, line dancing and Choreo Lab, to name just a few. For more information, check the website or call the center at 729-0757.

And as always, I invite you to come see us at People Plus, the center that builds community. We have stuff going on for everyone you know — including you.

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