BRUNSWICK — A Life in the Sunset Years Rally is planned at the Church of the Nazarene, 94 McKeen St., on Saturday.

A potluck lunch runs from noon to 1 p.m., followed by the rally from 1:30 to 3 p.m.

There will be special music and an oldfashioned hymn sing. Some people interviewed in the Life in the Sunset Years DVDs and CDs will be on hand as well. The ministry airs a program on public cables stations in Bath, Brunswick, Harpswell, Lincoln County and Mexico.

The ministry was started by W. Clayton Haley, a retired minister who, at age 80, had gone through two years of isolation while he was primary caregiver for his wife, who had Lewy bodies. He wanted to encourage others who might be going through a similar experience.

Pastor Haley, his daughter, Gail Smith, and the nurse who helped, made four DVDs to share what they had learned. A CHANS social worker suggested the DVDs could be helpful to staff in elder care facilities.

Haley then proceeded to interview people in their “sunset years” who have great faith and wisdom. He also has interviews with people of all ages. There are interviews of people who are inspiring overcomers, ministers and song writers. There’s humor and some special music. The DVDs will be available for free. A freewill offering for the ministry will be taken.

For more information, call Smith at 666-3300 or Pastor Haley at 666-5807.

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