WASHINGTON — The Edison Electric Institute has awarded Central Maine Power Co. with the association’s Emergency Recovery Award for its excellence in restoring power to 364,000 customers following Tropical Storm Irene.

CMP is a subsidiary of Iberdrola-USA, which oversees U.S. operations for parent company Iberdrola, S.A. of Spain.

According to a news release, the award is presented annually to U.S. and foreign based member companies to recognize an outstanding response in restoring electric service that has been disrupted by severe weather conditions or other natural events. Winners were chosen by a panel of judges following an international nomination process, and the awards were presented during EEI’s Spring CEO meeting.

In late August and early September 2011, the high winds and torrential rain from Tropical Storm Irene struck Maine, causing substantial damage to Central Maine Power’s delivery infrastructure. In the days following the storm, washed out roads, flooding and downed trees compounded the challenges of the restoration effort.

Central Maine Power activated its Emergency Service Restoration Plan in the days before the storm reached Maine to integrate the management of facilities, equipment, personnel and communications for the restoration. Central Maine Power also enlisted line crews from other utility companies under the industry’s mutual assistance program to supplement its storm response. Within four days, more than 90 percent of Central Maine Power customers were restored power.

“In executing their Emergency Service Restoration Plan, Central Maine Power was obviously well prepared for this storm,” EEI President Tom Kuhn said. “The dedication the company’s employees and line workers showed as they pushed through dire weather conditions to turn the lights back on. Their efforts highlight Central Maine Power’s commitment to customer service, and their thorough planning and exceptional execution helped make this restoration a success.”

¦ THE AWARD is presented annually to U.S. and foreign-based member companies to recognize an outstanding response in restoring electric service that has been disrupted by severe weather conditions or other natural events.

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