When our Savior Jesus Christ hung on a cross two thousand years ago, he entreated God in Heaven, “ Father, forgive them, for they know not what they do!” What a prayer!

Those for whom he prayed were his tormenters! They demanded his demise. They attached him to that cross in a most painful way. They derided him, and disdained him.

The cross was a place of shame. They crucified the Sinless One between two thieves. It was a place of physical and spiritual suffering. Can any one imagine the physical pain of crucifixion? And think of his loneliness, expressed by the words, “My God, my God, why hast Thou forsaken me?” It was a place of debt- paying: He had no debt, but paid the sin- debt that you and I owed and could never pay.

It was a place of compassion. He cared for his mother, commending her to his disciple John’s proficient care. It was a place of tender, exemplary instruction. If he, the Son of the living God, cared enough to pray for others while in such anguish, shouldn’t we do the same? It was a place of pure, undiminished love: “God demonstrates His love toward us, in that while we were still sinners, Christ died for us” (Romans 5:8, NKJV). He carried the cross for you and me.

Charles Spurgeon, a 19th century London pastor, wrote: “Until seventy times seven, said Christ to Peter; we have not yet reached that. If we have, let us begin another seventy times seven, for God has forgiven us countless numbers of offences.”

Imagine a traveler, on his way from Earth to Heaven, weary from carrying a cross. As he sits down to rest, he notices a woodsman nearby, with a sharp ax. “May I use your ax to shorten my cross?” he asks, “it’s VERY heavy!” Receiving an affirmative reply, he soon has the job done.

Traveling on, he comes to a formidable chasm. It must be crossed in order to enter Heaven. Concerned about what to do, he decided upon a plan. “I know,” he thought, “I will lay my cross across the chasm, and walk over it to my destination!” But alas, hard as he tries, the cross falls short. Then he awakes. Shortening his cross has been a bad dream. Now he resumes the journey, joyfully enduring his cross.


Heaven is the destination of everyone who trusts in Christ as Savior. But as we journey from earth to our heavenly home, let us each one carry our cross. Let us love deeply. Let us be slow to get angry. Let us be quick to forgive.

Lester Dow is pastor of Richmond Corner Baptist Church and can be reached at

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