Fifty years have now passed since the first publication of Rachel Carson’s “Silent Spring,” a monumental work of environmental social critique that provided overwhelming evidence of the harmful effects of chemicals and pesticides on the environment, animals and humans.

Although Carson’s work contributed to the successful banning of the pesticide DDT in the U.S. in 1972, today’s planet is still riddled with toxic chemicals in the air we breathe, the water we drink and the food we eat.

The movement to remove dangerous chemicals from our air, water and food has not ended, and Carson’s message still resonates powerfully.

Ecologist and cancer survivor Sandra Steingraber has researched and published extensively on environmentally linked causes of cancer. Her widely acclaimed book presents cancer as an urgent human rights issue and was adapted into a documentary titled “Living Downstream.”

The film is beautifully shot and provides an intimate portrayal of Steingraber’s personal endeavors to validate and expose the dangerous effects of chemicals and pesticides on our children and ourselves.

Environment Maine, a citizen-based environmental advocacy nonprofit, will host a screening of “Living Downstream” at the York Public Library at 5 p.m. Saturday. We will also host a second showing at 6 p.m. June 21 at Prince Memorial Library in Cumberland. After the one-hour film, we’ll hold an informal discussion about initiatives under way in Maine to reduce harm from toxic chemicals, and we invite all to come speak about any personal experiences concerning this issue. We hope that you’ll join us for this event, and we look forward to hearing your stories.


Sophie Yang


Housing authority board sets disturbing precedent

Those who forced the recent resignation of Dale McCormick from her position as executive director of the Maine State Housing Authority have established a dangerous precedent. Their words and actions indicate that these MSHA board members are pursuing a political agenda. And if they achieve their objectives through innuendo, bullying and harassment, so be it.

Most disturbing is the recent revelation of communications between members of the MSHA Board of Commissioners, the Maine Heritage Policy Center and the Department of Economic and Community Development with the goal to make life miserable for and be rid of McCormick.

Those responsible for McCormick’s resignation want us to believe that their motives were noble; i.e., they were out to save the taxpayers money. Objective observers would conclude that their actions were so obviously political that any other claim is comical. This is more apparent in view of the Office of Program Evaluation and Governmental Accountability findings that there was no fraud or improper actions committed by McCormick.


If MSHA’s board was intent on doing what it claimed, it would have made a commitment to work with the executive director to correct problems that existed at the MSHA. Instead, the board members found it convenient to politicize a situation in order to achieve their own personal goals.

The precedent that the MSHA’s board has set in this instance is unfortunate for Maine. Philosophical and political differences are now likely to be the rationale for boards of directors of independent governmental organizations that want to be rid of individuals with whom they disagree. And bullying and false innuendo will be the means these individuals employ to pursue their political aims.

Vin DiCara


King’s creative thinking would help reach solutions

Now we have the opportunity to elect a man who has proven himself as an independent. Angus King will give Maine the opportunity to be represented by a senator who will listen, evaluate and attempt to move the Senate and the government forward.


Our current government is not operating to solve problems. Political parties are holding our country hostage and causing it to not operate effectively. This is Maine’s chance to help our state and the country move forward.

We need senators who are willing and able to think creatively. During Angus King’s two terms as governor, he founded the Maine Technology Institute and the Maine International Trade Center. Both of these were creative ideas to help Maine’s economy. He is a forward thinker and a planner. We need his abilities and his independence in the United States Senate.

Pat Allen


Staying for whole ceremony shows respect to graduates

I recently went to my granddaughter’s graduation ceremony from Southern Maine Community College, held at the Cumberland County Civic Center. I was so very proud of her accomplishment, and of the others getting their diplomas.


But I was really saddened by the lack of respect by the students, parents and their friends who left before the diplomas were all handed out. By the time about 700 were handed their diplomas, more than a third of the students and about half of the audience had left the civic center.

I feel that is not only rude, but disrespectful to those still waiting to get their diplomas. The whole program lasted less than two and a half hours, when many others have gone on for four or more hours.

I have been to two of my own graduations, three for my daughters and this one for my granddaughter and have not experienced this lack of respect. Shame on those who left early for their rudeness. I felt sadness, but respect for the last 300 or so recipients who graduated without the respect of the full audience. Every other aspect of the ceremony went smoothly and was simply wonderfully planned and executed. Kudos to SMCC; boos and hisses to those who rudely left early.

David Potter

South Gardiner

Who will pay travel costs for Portland football teams?


Regarding the story, “Football proposal affects Portland teams” (May 31): In the face of rising fuel costs and diminishing school budgets, the Maine Principals’ Association is asking Cheverus, Portland and Deering teams to travel to Bangor (128 miles or two-plus hours one way), when there are at least six Class A teams within 30 miles of Portland.

Are they kidding? Has Augusta approved a special athletic travel fund to help schools defray the costs of travel throughout the state?

Richard Capozza


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