Imagine my surprise at seeing an alternative paper in the most liberal city in the state using the word “sissies” in a column headline.

I cannot imagine a writer or editor in 2012 that does not understand the impact or damage words like this one can have on youth questioning their sexual identity.

Sissy is a word used by bullies. It is used to exert power and superiority over the presumed weak; mainly against boys that do not adhere to the stereotypical standards of masculinity.

So many other words could have been used to convey the intent of the author without resorting to one that specifically targets ones manliness or is a negative connotation of homosexuality.

The media have been diligent about removing the use of the three-letter “F word” (f*g) from their vocabulary for the very same reasons as above.

It is time, now, that you step up and lead by example. Please issue an apology to your gay readers and the youth that are the often unprotected targets of verbal bullying.

David Jacobs
South Portland

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