During the next two weeks, librarians will make guest appearances throughout Brunswick and Harpswell, hoping to sign up potential library card holders.

September is “Get A Library Card Month” at Curtis Memorial Library, and executive director Liz Doucett is looking for readers. As incentive, an iPad will be given away during a Sept. 29 drawing at the library, on 23 Pleasant St., at 3:30 p.m. All library card holders, current as well as new, are eligible for the drawing.

Cards are available free of charge to all Brunswick and Harpswell residents, although proof of residency is required and those under age 18 will need a parent to co-sign. A driver’s license or utility bill with current address will do. People who live elsewhere can obtain a card for $65 a year.

Sign-up locations include all day Thursday at People Plus, 35 Union St.; Friday at Harpswell Town Hall from 9:30 a.m. to 1 p.m.; and Thornton Oaks retirement village from 1:30 to 3 p.m.

For more information and locations, contact Doucett at 725-5242 or at director@curtislibrary.com or browse www.curtislibrary.com.

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