AUGUSTA — A martial arts instructor, who admitted to producing and possessing child pornography in federal court, refused to acknowledge 12 new charges in state court during an arraignment hearing, and was ordered removed from the courtroom.

Wade Robert Hoover, 35, of Augusta, argued briefly with Justice John Nivison, saying he wants to talk to the two defense attorneys representing him on the state charges and with District Attorney Maeghan Maloney to get the newer charges dropped.

In an indictment, Hoover is accused of 12 counts of gross sexual assault on a young boy in Augusta between Dec. 11, 2008, and Feb. 13, 2010. At the time, Hoover was awaiting a July 2 sentencing in federal court on child pornography charges.

Hoover also has pleaded not guilty to a separate charge in Somerset County of gross sexual assault on a different boy, also under age 12, in April 2012 in The Forks.

Hoover was brought to Kennebec County Superior Court in Augusta from Somerset County jail, his wrists and ankles shackled. His head was shaved and tattoos were visible on his arms in the short-sleeved orange jail uniform.

“I’m getting really tired of … being some political propaganda,” Hoover said. He told the judge that false information keeps appearing in the media and in his case.


“I pled guilty, I took ownership,” Hoover said in reference to the federal charges.

“Mr. Hoover, we’re not going to debate this any further, Nivison responded.

Nivison ordered him held briefly in the courthouse to see whether the arraignment would go forward.

Hoover was represented Tuesday by attorney William Baghdoyan. Hoover said Baghdoyan had told him not to make a scene in the courtroom.

Prior to his appearance, in a letter mailed from Somerset County jail to news media outlets, Hoover said he’s being subjected to double jeopardy.

In his letter he also asks for a conference with Maloney, district attorney in Kennebec and Somerset counties, saying he wants to avoid being portrayed as “the next Jeffrey Dahmer or John Wayne Gacy.” The reference is to two serial killers.


Hoover said Maloney used material from his federal court case to gain the state indictments.

Maloney said previously that while it is a federal crime to possess and produce child pornography, her office decided to charge Hoover with the state crime of sexually molesting two children.

She has said that, if Hoover is convicted of the state charges, she will ask for any sentence to be served after the federal sentence.

In court Tuesday, Maloney asked that the arraignment on state charges go forward, while also asking for $25,000 bail and an order banning Hoover from contact with children under 18.

“How does it hurt for them to come see me in jail?” Hoover asked.

Bail, however, is moot, since Hoover is already being held on his federal conviction.


Hoover says much false information has been published about his actions; that he downloaded pornography “to supplement a porn addiction;” and that he “viewed mostly online, adult, festish porn to get my fix.”

Hoover was owner and chief instructor at Koshowarrior’s Martial Arts and the United Martial Arts academies in Lewiston, where he taught children as young as age 3, according to Maine State Police.

In his letter to the media, he said he had never been accused of inappropriate behavior in his 20 years as a martial arts instructor.

He said he does deserve punishment. “I stepped over the line and committed a bad act,” but that he hopes to be able to hug his young child again.

That might not be possible any time soon, however.

According to documents in his federal case, prosecutors are asking for him to serve a sentence that comes close to the 40-year maximum penalty for those crimes. The public defender representing him argued in writing that Hoover should receive a sentence nearer the 20-year minimum.


Hoover was returned to the courtroom about 20 minutes after he was ordered out, and shortly afterward acknowledged that he understood his rights and answered, “Yes, sir,” as the judge read aloud the dates of 12 charges alleged.

Baghdoyan said Hoover did not wish to acknowledge the charges, but realized the judge would enter a plea of not guilty to all charges on Hoover’s behalf.

Baghdoyan also said conditions as written do not prevent Hoover from visits with his children at jail.

Hoover was arrested Oct. 3 by state and federal agents at the Bangor Street office of the National Alliance on Mental Illness Maine, where he worked. At that time, he was charged with possession of sexually explicit materials of minors under age 12, a felony offense carrying a five-year maximum sentence.

That charge was later dropped in favor of the federal charges which carry longer sentences.

Kennebec Journal Staff Writer Betty Adams can be contacted at 621-5631 or at:


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