SANFORD — Sanford police have released a composite sketch of a suspect in Friday night’s apparent attempted abduction of an 18-year-old woman. Police also have distributed a flier seeking information

Police Chief Thomas Connolly said the woman, who lives in Sanford, was walking on Eastern Avenue near Brooks Street shortly before 9 p.m. when a man attempted to force her into a maroon Kia Soul. The woman wrestled with the man before freeing herself, and the man then took off in his vehicle,  said Connolly.

The woman received minor injuries and reported the incident to police as soon as she found a phone, Connolly said. She told police the man was between 5 feet 8 inches and 5 feet 10 inches tall.

“I’m fairly confident we’re going to close this soon,” Connolly said. “This is a top-priority case. Whenever someone tries to snatch a woman off the street that’s very serious.”

Police are looking for a witness to the alleged abduction attempt. Connolly said the man was walking his dog in the area at the time of the attack.

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