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  • Published
    September 1, 2013
    prescription drugs take deadly toll on roads

    Drugs, driving: Prescription for danger

    Experts say millions get on the road every day under the influence of powerful prescribed drugs.

  • Published
    September 1, 2013

    Campaign takes aim at colleges promoting unpaid internships

    A nascent campaign against employers’ use of unpaid interns is taking aim at what critics call some of the longstanding practice’s biggest enablers: colleges that steer students into such programs in exchange for academic credit. Organizers hope to have mobilizers raise the issue on campuses as students return to school this fall, with a particular […]

  • Published
    September 1, 2013

    Value of seafood harvest in 2012 shatters records

    But Marine Resources Commissioner Keliher cautioned that not all fisherman are getting rich.

  • Published
    September 1, 2013

    Maine’s new law not last word on bullying

    Educators welcome the more uniform statewide policy but say changing the culture within each school is equally important.

  • Published
    September 1, 2013

    Marijuana growers suspected in Yosemite wildfire

    One fire chief links the 'human caused' fire in and around the national park to an 'illicit grove.'

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  • Published
    September 1, 2013

    Scientists discover Uranus has a companion

    The asteroid-like Trojan will share the planet's orbit only temporarily – for a million years or so.

  • Published
    September 1, 2013

    Egypt arrests top militant in execution of 25 officers

    CAIRO – Egyptian security forces said they arrested Saturday a top wanted militant in the Sinai Peninsula suspected of killing 25 off-duty police officers. Meanwhile, authorities arrested another top figure from former President Mohammed Morsi’s Muslim Brotherhood group, whose supporters have held near-daily protests against the Islamist’s ouster in a July 3 coup. In a […]

  • Published
    September 1, 2013

    Spy accusation makes a jailbird of Egyptian swan

    CAIRO – In a case that’s ruffling feathers in Egypt, authorities have detained a swan that a citizen suspected of being a spy. Officials say a man brought the suspected winged infiltrator to a police station Friday in the Qena governorate, some 280 miles southeast of Cairo. Officials say the man suspected the bird was […]

  • Published
    September 1, 2013

    With her brother’s kidney in the trash, patient speaks out

    An Ohio woman and her family discuss a botched transplant, in which a viable kidney was thrown away.

  • Published
    September 1, 2013

    Take Heart: A Conversation in Poetry

    In this week’s poem Henry Braun of Weld links the presence of a great stone he encounters in the Maine woods with friendship.