Dear Portland Press Herald Toy Fund,

My husband and I work hard to provide for our beautiful kids. With cut hours and rising bills, I was afraid of the holidays. Every time we paid our bills, there was nothing left.

Thank you for your help. It was awesome to see my children’s eyes light up because Santa came.

It was wonderful to see how grateful they were.

Thank you so much for helping change our holidays so positively! 



The Portland Press Herald Toy Fund aimed to provide toys for up to 7,000 children in Cumberland, York, Sagadahoc, Lincoln and Knox counties.

Donations can be made on the website or checks can be made out to the Portland Press Herald Toy Fund and mailed to P.O. Box 7310, Portland, ME 04112.

The campaign’s fundraising goal this past year was $300,000. The total raised so far is $113,943.36.

In celebration of Mia $100

In honor of Granpa Carl, who loved to play! $50

For the children, from Seth Thayer & Greg Tinder $100


Merry Christmas to Cheryl & Jay Denis $50

Keep up the good work! Myron Hamer $250

Victoria Simes Poole $50

James & Esther Marshall $25

Penny drive by Mr. Brookes’ 5th grade, MSAD #51 (Cumberland/North Yarmouth $1,741.63

In memory of Don, Butchie, and Doug McGraves from Jane McGraves $50

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