In the next 10 years, marijuana will be as legal as vodka in the U.S. It is going to happen. You can like it or not. The train has left the station. The only question is when it will arrive.

Absent action by thoughtful people, someone will try to set up separate committees, laws and commissioners for pot here in Maine.

I urge the idea of a simple change now to Maine law. Let’s be proactive and be a leader.

When the sale of marijuana is made legal by the federal government, all laws regarding the sale of intoxicating spirits will apply to marijuana.

When the federal government ends the prohibition on marijuana, we will not need a separate law saying that you must be over 21 to smoke marijuana.

If you are licensed to sell liquor, you may sell pot. If towns are “wet” – if they allow the sale of liquor – they must allow the sale of grass. If they want to be dry, they can use the current laws to become dry.

Don’t let the bureaucrats make this complicated.

Scott Simmonds


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