We are a father and son living here in Maine. One of us is a baby boomer, a physician and a self-described liberal. The other is a millennial, a student of political science and a conservative.

Although we both love our nation and Maine, there is much that we see differently. On one critical issue, however, we feel the need to speak together.

Climate change is a real and pressing danger to our country, state and family. We all rely on the health of our planet. Although we differ on the details, it’s clear to us that the the future of human biological, social and financial systems ultimately depends on maintaining the health of the environment.

Effectively addressing CO2 levels is crucial to maintaining that health.

We both feel that a revenue-neutral carbon tax is a necessary step toward the important leadership that the United States must take on in maintaining our healthy planet. Both of us have confidence that a carbon tax could help us all to move toward a sustainable, predictable world – the same conditions needed for healthy ecosystems, communities, healthy markets and continued business growth.

So together, the two of us respectfully ask that Maine’s delegation to the U.S. Congress help lead the way toward a worthwhile future we can all appreciate. We ask the delegation to make use of all resources and opportunities available to their offices to promote the development and implementation of revenue-neutral carbon tax legislation.


Edward Pontius, M.D., DFAPA

physician, liberal and father

Adam Pontius

student of political science, conservative and son



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