When I read of our Maine Medal of Honor recipient, Marine Cpl. William Kyle Carpenter, receiving the award from President Obama on the inside page of (our) your newspaper June 20, I was hurt (“Medal of Honor awarded to Marine injured by grenade”). Also very much ashamed of all of you in the news business.

Cpl. Carpenter should have been on your front page with our sincere thanks and great respect for one who would give his life for his buddy. Once again our veterans, such as us returning from Vietnam, are shuffled into dark closets to be forgotten.

Cpl. Carpenter deserves better than that. He will spend a lifetime of disabilities and suffering. Don’t you think we owe him better than that? But you have done him an injustice rather than granting him the respect and honor he has earned.

Shame, shame, shame on your newspaper.

Peter Hassapelis


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