Adapted from Dumais’ favorite baking powder recipe. As do most serious bread bakers, Dumais measures the ingredients in grams. You’ll need a scale in order to do so. Dumais uses King Arthur flour and Rumford Baking Powder. Unlike pancakes, ployes cook on one side only.

100 grams buckwheat flour

100 grams all-purpose flour

4 grams salt

2 teaspoons baking powder

Put the dry ingredients in a bowl and use a whisk to combine. Whisk in about 340 grams cold water and continue whisking until all the lumps are dissolved. (You may need to adjust the amount of water to achieve the optimal consistency, Dumais says.) Let the batter rest for 5 to 10 minutes.

While the batter is resting, preheat the griddle. You’ll know it’s hot enough when a drop of water dances on its surface. (Dumais uses an infrared thermometer to check that it’s 400 degrees.) Spread the batter to 1/8-inch thick using the back of a spoon in a circular motion. Ployes should be thin enough that they can cook through on one side only – they’ll cook in about 1 ½ minutes.

Remove and enjoy with butter or any other of your favorite foods.

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