The YMCA is an admirable organization that has improved the lives of many people, young and old, for decades.

However, there are always problems in any organization, and the YMCA of Southern Maine branch in Biddeford has a severe lack of handicapped-accessible parking for its seniors and other members for whom such parking is essential.

Four usable marked spaces are currently provided to serve those Y members. This number does not even begin to adequately serve present members, let alone more who may enroll.

Imagine being a senior on a limited income, with disabilities, who is paying for a Y membership and trying to improve your health – and when you go to the Y for class, you have to drive home because there is no parking available.

As recently as three months ago, present management met with concerned members. The physical limitations of the property and financial problems were cited by management as excuses for lack of added spaces.

Further action was promised, but no follow-up meeting was scheduled, so members are left unaware of any progress being made.


However, a brand-new fitness center is being planned for the back of the current Y building. Would this not be a perfect time, during ongoing construction, to add at least four more spaces?

The problem has existed far too long for the seniors and others who need special parking, and they deserve better from an organization that is supposed to be serving people of all ages and capabilities.

Nobody should have to drive home, unable to attend a class that they are paying for, because of a lack of appropriate parking. Assurances that someday something will be done are not solving the problem.

E.H. Post


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