Democrat Mike Michaud is the candidate who can defeat Gov. LePage and restore Maine as a state that protects its environment.

In sizing up candidates, we can fairly ask: “What have you done for me lately?”

To compare: Michaud has a 92 percent score on his environmental votes in Congress.

LePage has spent the past four years blocking environmental protections. He vetoed laws that would have controlled lake pollution, required disclosure of harmful chemicals and advanced renewable energy.

Cutler has never served in elective office. He can avoid answering for votes on tough questions from long ago.

Michaud is likable and is known for listening and bringing opponents together with grace.

A three-way voting split risks once more landing us with LePage. I truly hope that voters who care about Maine’s environment will rally around Mike Michaud, the candidate of proven leadership who can defeat LePage.

Karen Herold


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