I’ve learned a little-known secret about Democratic gubernatorial candidate Mike Michaud: He likes to garden! I was surprised until I started thinking about the qualities of a good gardener. A gardener should:

 Be patient and not expect miracles overnight.

 Not be afraid to get his hands dirty when doing the heavy lifting needed to improve the landscape.

 Be nurturing and caring to cultivate exceptional outcomes.

 Work hard to make everything grow and flourish.

I realized I had also just described the qualities of a good governor. Mike would demonstrate the patience to work with everyone regardless of party, a work ethic in which hard work is all part of the job, a nurturing, caring demeanor free of hostility, and a vision for real growth in Maine.


After four years of negativity and destruction, Maine deserves a constant, caring gardener – Maine deserves Mike Michaud!

Diane Denk

Democratic candidate for Maine House


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