Re: “LePage and head of Maine Housing Authority oppose bond for senior housing” (Feb. 27):

These decision-makers are risking the independence of our Maine seniors and our disabled. The KeepME Home initiative would help our seniors.

As a housing advocate who provides direct service to seniors, some of my most challenging days involve watching seniors struggle because of the lack of support, while programs and services continue to be on the chopping block.

Residents have worked hard and created memories with their families in their homes. Then, as seniors, many have to make the difficult decision to surrender their homes when they can’t afford to pay their mortgage or the rising costs of property taxes, health care and everyday expenses.

Our seniors are making risky decisions that affect their quality of life, often putting home above food and medications.

KeepME Home has received bipartisan support and gives the opportunity for Maine seniors to remain in their homes by addressing some of the housing issues that they face. The initiative would:


 Increase the Property Tax Fairness Credit.

 Create 1,000 safe, affordable units to try to work toward addressing the shortage of affordable housing that our seniors, disabled, veterans and domestic violence survivors desperately need. The waiting time for affordable housing is up to four years.

 Address the growing shortage of home care workers by increasing the Medicaid reimbursement while creating jobs.

Maine is known for being the oldest state in the nation. We are rapidly creating an epidemic. KeepME Home is part of a solution to help seniors live the rest of their lives in the comfort of their homes.

This is the opportunity to give Maine seniors the support and resources they need to live with dignity.

Melissa Dunn


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