For Nesbitt, community comes first

Several years ago, I noticed Steve Nesbitt, a reserved Standish resident, in the chambers during Town Council meetings. When asked if there was a particular topic he was concerned about, Steve said he was interested in what was happening in Standish and wondered how he might contribute to the community.

Since then, I’ve watched as Steve served first on the Planning Board and then, last year, as a town councilor. Over time, I have truly come to appreciate Steve’s open-minded, thoughtful approach to topics that have come before him. He is always prepared for meetings, having done his homework in advance, and contributes meaningfully to the discussions on the floor.

Although Steve did not serve on the Comprehensive Plan Committee, he has studied the document and is very knowledgeable about how the citizens of Standish want to manage growth within their town. He understands the ordinances and the reasoning behind them. Steve’s only political agenda is to implement the Standish resident’s approved comprehensive plan in a fiscally responsible manner. Viewing his past performance, it is evident that Steve works on behalf of all Standish residents to make our community the best it can be.

Steve is smart, articulate, honest, civic-minded, respectful, and the kind of guy I want to represent me on the Standish Town Council. Steve Nesbitt will have my support on June 9!

Carolyn Biegel



Compromise for Diamon column

As usual Al Diamon wrote a good and funny column, but, with apologies to Dean Swift, I would like to offer a modest proposal for a compromise to resolve the controversy over the nickname and mascot for the Skowhegan school: Let the school keep calling the team the Indians, but change the mascot and insignia to a representation of Mohandas (Mahatma) Ghandi.

The mascot could be a guy wearing a giant bobblehead of the great-souled (Mahatma) Ghandi, a great soul would surely not mind.

Of course, if people in India mind, there are over a billion of them so there would be no picking on a small minority involved.

Neil Garston


South Casco

Say yes to L.D. 225, no to puppy mills

It is time for Maine to stop supporting the puppy mills and kitten mills by buying pet shop pups and kittens. We all must use our voices to end this inhumane industry.

L.D. 335, H.P. 229 “An Act To Restrict The Sales Of Dogs And Cats In Pet Shops”bwill restrict a pet shop from selling dogs and cats obtained from the large scale breeding industry (a.k.a. puppy/kitten mills) with significant violations from the USDA. The restriction does not apply to a public or private charitable nonprofit shelter, humane society, or rescue organization, a pet shop where a dog or cat is owned by a public or private organization. And it will stop other puppy/kitten mill selling pet shops from starting business in our state of Maine.

Documents obtained from the Maine Department of Animal Welfare have proven 99 percent of all pups and kittens sold in our Maine pet shops are obtained from out of state at inhumane large-scale breeding facilities (a.k.a. puppy mills) where the parents are kept in inhumane conditions with urine/feces-filled cages, without nutritious food, no veterinary care for illness or injury, without any protection from the elements, and from breeders with repeat USDA violations, many not licensed by the USDA.

The pet shops will deny these facts, but facts are facts. They cannot be denied.


Phone numbers to contact your state representatives is 1-800-423-2900 to tell them Maine wants L.D. 335 to pass.

Please join Maine Citizens Against Puppy Mills on Facebook to get more information.

Lynne Fracassi

Founder of Maine Citizens Against Puppy Mills, Casco

Vote for Nesbitt

On June 9, you will have an opportunity to vote to fill a vacant council seat. I am asking you to go to the polls and vote for Steve Nesbitt. Steve has been dedicated to volunteering for the community since he and his wife moved to Standish in 2004.


He has been on the Planning Board for six years including serving as chair and vice-chair. Steve has served on the Ordinance Committee, the Finance Committee and the Beach Committee. Last year when there was a vacancy he was appointed to serve on the Town Council. Steve has certainly earned the respect of the community because of his strong dedication to service.

I have watched Steve as he has held these different positions, and I am aware of his thoughtfulness and his dedication to serve the town of Standish. He listens to what the residents have to say and he is very careful to remain open-minded to the concerns of everyone, but he is also able to be decisive in his vote, as he tries to do what is right and best for our community.

Steve supports the Comprehensive Plan and the concept of three separate villages. He is fiscally responsible and will balance the budget in the way that he is required to do by law, but also taking into consideration the needs of our wonderful community. He will continue to support a positive living and working experience for our residents.

Steve recognizes the uniqueness of our different villages and he supports the recreation needs of our community. He supported the need for parking at the local ballpark, just as he recognized the need for additional space for the Public Works Department, and recent needs for the rescue unit of the Standish Fire Department. Safety is a great concern for Steve and he has worked tirelessly to try to make the best decisions possible for all of us.

I respected his open-mindedness when he served on the council. However, the thing that I like best about Steve is the fact that he shows great respect to whoever he is talking with at the time. He has a wonderful respectful way about him and he seems to honor the position that he holds and at the same time he honors the person in his presence. I have witnessed his kindness on many occasions as he answers questions, and he listens intently to whatever topic is being discussed. I am asking you to continue to support Steve Nesbitt when you go to the poll on June 9.

Elizabeth Perry



Be proud, Windham

We should all be proud of local Windham High School graduate Chelsea Williams who grew up in Windham and participated in Windham sports and music.

We watched her as the lead in “Thoroughly Modern Millie” years ago and we saw her perform in chorus concerts and the Windham Chamber Singers. What a great actress and what a wonderful voice! And now after college she tried out and got the leading role of Sophie in the touring company of the popular Broadway musical “Mamma Mia.” We had the privilege of seeing her at a sold-out performance at Portland’s Merrill Auditorium last week and what a thrill it was to see her again. Dr. Rick Nickerson said on his Facebook page, “Chelsea nailed it!” and he was right.

I saw “Mamma Mia” in London years ago and this show was better! It is filled with ABBA songs from the 1970s and people all around us knew the words and were singing along. Chelsea sang and danced her way into everyone’s hearts and in an interview she said she grew up with her dad playing ABBA music so she knew all the songs. This smash hit musical is now on a national tour so Chelsea has a grueling schedule of seven or eight performances a week. This is her first big gig and she said in an interview that it is the most fun she has ever had.

So Windham, be proud of your schools and be especially proud of your music programs that enrich the lives of us all. We saw the Windham Chamber Singer’s Senior Concert Thursday night at the high school and it was truly wonderful. There was a 15 minute-long religious piece from the middle ages, chants in six-part harmony, and modern pieces all memorized and sung without the students holding music or shuffling pages. Different members introduced each song and the soloists were amazing. The seniors were honored at the end and we heard of their future plans. There was even a number accompanied by members and Dr. Nick pounding on trash cans!


We are very fortunate to have Dr. Nickerson with us in Windham for over 27 years. My son, Dan, was in the second year of Chamber Singers and now his daughter, my granddaughter Hanna is singing alto with them. They are the second generation of Chamber Singers!

After the Chamber Singers returned from their spring tour up the coast of Maine where they performed for concerts, schools and in nursing homes, Hanna said the tour was “life changing” as she saw how music made a difference in people’s lives. Last month they sang a capella our National Anthem and the Canadian National Anthem for a Boston Red Sox baseball game.

So Windham, be proud. As one of the ABBA song said…”Thank you for the music!”

Linda Griffin


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