There is a lot of excitement in seeing Portland embrace bike riding with the addition of bike lanes and shared-use markings on city streets.

These are great for seasoned riders who have no problem with or concern over mixing with automobiles and truck traffic on the road.

However, for most of us who are interested in biking to work, running errands by bike or adventuring around the city with our kids, it’s not enough.

Countless other cities are investing in protected bike lanes, where the bike rider and moving automobiles are separated from each other on busy city streets. These valuable transportation applications invite the majority of us who are timid or new to biking into the world of urban riding.

In doing so, much of the congestion and traffic, which are caused by short trips around town, are alleviated by facilitating a new way for the masses to move about.

With a young and growing population, it’s time that Portland embraces bike riding and makes plans for improvements that will benefit all residents, not just those looking for adventure and risk on our streets.

Ian Klepetar


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