As a Republican, I am embarrassed and saddened by my party.

At the state level, Gov. LePage remained silent when mental health patients were tasered rather than treated at the state psychiatric hospital. The care there was so poor it lost $20 million in federal funding.

As the welfare system has become dysfunctional and broken, LePage has taken no action to hold Health and Human Services Commissioner Mary Mayhew accountable.

I am further embarrassed at the caliber of candidates running for president. Among the top three is Donald Trump, who has used our taxes and his debtors to his advantage by declaring bankruptcy four times. Carly Fiorina was fired as CEO from a large corporation causing the loss of over 14,000 jobs. And then there is Dr. Ben Carson, an admitted bigot with no political experience.

Is it any wonder the Republican Party is so divided and derided?

Patrick Eisenhart


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