I had to chuckle at the uproar over Gov. LePage’s supposedly “racist” remarks concerning out-of-state drug dealers and Maine girls.

As I read the Portland Press Herald story (“Governor’s racially charged remark ignites uproar, “ Jan. 8), all the usual, easily offended, parties were screaming how insensitive and corrupt our governor is because he said that white girls in Maine were getting pregnant by drug dealers from out of state.

Well, in Maine, white girls make up a very large percentage of the population of young women, so the likelihood of a white girl being the one getting pregnant is high. Based on the Press Herald story, LePage said nothing about the race of the dealers.

I just have to laugh, but want to cry, at all those who are so offended at almost everything LePage says even when it is clearly the truth. This includes the Press Herald, the offense taker in chief.

Truth should be what is important, and those most often offended are offended by the truth. This is a sad state we live in today. Perhaps the true racists are all those who took offense.

Richard Prince

South Portland

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