The April 18 article describing Maine teens’ interest in the presidential campaign is encouraging. Youth interest in an election seems positive. Many in high school now will come of age during the next presidency.

What are their hopes for the economic well-being of the United States (their own lives included)? What are their concerns about the risks of climate harms or possible environmental improvements? Have they interest in U.S. nuclear investment and ongoing wars?

It would be well for people of all ages and from all campaigns to consider the questions about significant issues for our country and its 2016 candidates. Where is our country going in relation to the world’s issues?

Donald Trump says he’ll make Mexico build a wall against all immigration. How high a priority is that next to our own country’s economic and employment and even trade concerns?

Bernie Sanders criticizes the dominant influence of the corporate world on legislative governance of the U.S. What can be done to open economic hope and possibility for the rest of society, those falling below options for homes or jobs or physical care?

Hillary Clinton’s positions have been hawkish and regime change-oriented and favor a huge U.S. effort to militarily and economically dominate much of the world. Are there some ideas for a future of diplomacy and U.N.-moderated negotiations that allow non-military solutions to global issues?

Grace Braley


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