I support the Route 100 improvement project and encourage Falmouth voters to vote yes June 14.

The Falmouth Comprehensive Plan in 2014 identified this area as one of two “hubs of activity” in town for both commercial and residential life. It’s well-positioned for thoughtful growth with an established residential population, an entrance/exit to the Maine Turnpike, a well-used state road (Route 100), and businesses of different sizes and sorts. Route 100 (due for reconstruction in 2009) has a daily traffic flow similar to that of Route 1 and is unsafe for vehicles, pedestrians and bicyclists. The improvements will increase safety and accessibility for residents and commuters, will include a sewer main between Mountain and Leighton roads, new trees, sidewalks and a small park by the river. The project uses a self-funding mechanism, (no tax increase), with significant funding from the state.

Vote yes for West Falmouth. It’s good for all of Falmouth.

Town Councilor Claudia King


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