After careful consideration, the National Association of Social Workers-Maine has endorsed Diane Denk for House District 9, serving Kennebunkport, parts of Biddeford and Kennebunk.

As the major social work organization in Maine, we are committed to promoting human rights, social and economic justice, and unimpeded access to services for everyone.

Diane’s response to our questionnaire was congruent with our values on social work issues, including MaineCare expansion so that 70,000 Mainers can access health insurance, affordable prescription medication for seniors, and drug addiction treatment and prevention, to name a few.

Her dedication to serving our state is impressive. Diane understands that our profession has a positive impact on so many. She exemplifies these characteristics in working with hospice, homeless shelters and veterans.

We urge Democratic voters in House District 9 to vote for Diane Denk in the June 14 primary. She’ll be a strong voice for all of us in Augusta.

Lori Gramlich, LMSW

executive director, Maine chapter,

National Association of Social Workers


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