It’s a shame that Hillary Clinton, the very first woman to possibly become the president of these United States, has to be the worst possible woman to ever serve in politics.

What should be a very positive historical item will go down in history as the end of the era of capitalism and freedoms as we have known them.

Not only is Ms. Clinton basically dishonest, but she wants to eliminate the free enterprise system that this country was founded upon. Both she and Bernie Sanders want the United States to progress toward socialism, as many countries have in Europe.

Whatever happened to the once- revered Democratic Party of Roosevelt, Truman and Kennedy? They were all patriotic statesmen. I’m convinced there has to be a patriotic stateswoman somewhere in these United States whom either party, Democratic or Republican, could have nurtured to run for the greatest office of the land.

It is a sorry day for our republic. Our grandchildren will never have the opportunities that were once available to all of us who grew up in the 1960s, ’70s and ’80s.

Jack McLaughlin

Ocean Park

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