Prompted by the lead editorial on May 27 (“Our View: Maine’s alarming bike, pedestrian toll demands road rules refresher”), I’m finally writing to ask that pedestrians please be reminded of the need to traverse our streets, without sidewalks, and roads, everywhere – facing traffic.

Every day, I see joggers (often with earbuds) and walkers (often with children) on the wrong side of the roadway – their backs to traffic, oblivious to what may be coming up behind them. And, all too often, I read of fatalities that could so simply have been avoided, if only the pedestrian had seen what was approaching.

As a walker, I want to know what is coming toward me, and as a driver, I want to know that the pedestrian knows I am coming their way.

It is well worth waiting for a break in traffic to cross the roadway to the proper side. It might save your life!

Carole Sargent


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