Donald Trump is coming to Portland on Thursday, but the details of the event haven’t been nailed down, according to a campaign official who declined to be identified.
As of Saturday night, the Trump for President campaign’s website hadn’t been updated to include the visit. The Republican presidential candidate’s only events for the coming week on the official schedule are rallies in Columbus, Ohio, and Harrisburg, Pennsylvania, both on Monday.
Trump has visited Maine twice before as a candidate for president. In March, he held a rally in Portland shortly before the March 5 Republican presidential caucuses. Sen. Ted Cruz of Texas won that contest, beating Trump by about 45 percent to 33 percent.
Trump also visited Bangor late last month, holding a rally in which he repeated pledges to crack down on illegal immigration by building a wall between the U.S. and Mexico and said he would make the country safer by rebuilding the military.
He also said at the time that he might move to Maine, a suggestion he has made in campaign events in other states as well.
“If things don’t work out for me, I may just come up here and say, ‘The hell with it,’ ” Trump said in Bangor, adding that he thought some real estate would be available.
A visit this week would be Trump’s first as the Republican nominee for president. He officially accepted the party’s nomination July 21 at the Republican National Convention in Cleveland.
Some analysts have suggested that Trump might be able to pick off one elector by concentrating on northern Maine’s 2nd District, which includes Bangor. The 1st District, in southern Maine, is considered more liberal and is reliably Democratic.
Maine allocates its presidential electors differently from most states – instead of a winner-take-all system, electors are given to candidates who win the state’s two congressional districts, and two electors are allocated to the overall statewide winner. Although theoretically that could produce a 3-1 split of Maine’s four electors, the electors from state’s congressional districts and the overall vote have always gone to the same candidate.
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