The big news this morning is of course Matthew traveling along the east coast of Florida.  This storm will continue to cause wind and water damage up the Florida coastline and into Georgia and South Carolina.  Eventually Matthew will weaken and move south.

Here in New England it’s a wonderful weekend ahead with just the chance for a few showers overnight Saturday.  Otherwise I expect a lot of sunshine this weekend.  Sunday and Monday a cooler air mass is in place, but with abundant sunshine it will still be wonderful to be outside.


Highs Saturday reach the 60s in most areas

Highs Saturday reach the 60s in most areas

If you’re playing soccer, softball, baseball, or golf…

Saturday brings some morning dew on the playing surfaces which quickly dries out during the first few hours after sunrise.


Sunday may be damp on the grass early if you see a shower overnight Saturday, otherwise expect dry conditions.  Columbus Day will be nearly a carbon copy of Sunday without the rain possibility the night before.

If you’re going to Fenway for the playoff game Sunday.

Expect plenty of sunshine to start the game with the sun setting during the second half.  Temperatures will be comfortable early, but cool by the end of the game.  Take a jacket for the walk home or if you are waiting for the T.

Cooler air arrives Sunday

Cooler air arrives Sunday

If you’re going to a local farm for apple picking, pony rides and cider donuts.

This is a big weekend for apple picking and local farm enjoyment.  Head to your favorite spot early for the least traffic and best morning picking of apples.  Bring some sunscreen if you are going to be outside for more than an hour.

If you are hiking in the woods…


Great hiking weather all weekend long.  Take water as the air will be dry, especially Sunday and Monday.

If you’re gardening…

The drought is still firmly in place and shows no sign of lessening in the coming weeks.  Water your plants well if you are moving them and also don’t forget to water the grass if you have seeded your lawn recently.

If you’re running errands…

Saturday afternoon will have the least sunshine this weekend as clouds increase.  There is a chance of a few showers overnight Saturday.

If you’re going to a concert, outdoor party, or wedding…


The only risk of showers is Saturday night.  The risk is small, but bring an umbrella if you are going to be out and about.  Any rainfall would be quite light.

If you’re going beaching and boating…

For many this is the final weekend to head to the beach.  While the water has cooled about 10 degrees since peaking in August, hardy souls can still take a dip.    Tides are high in the 5 o’clock hour this weekend, moving to after 6 o’clock for Columbus Day.


I will be updating the forecast on Twitter @growingwisdom throughout the weekend.

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