What is the biggest need your constituents are expressing as you speak with them while campaigning and how can the Legislature address this?

The biggest needs my constituents have expressed is no more increases in taxes, State and local. Business have expressed how difficult it is to do businesses in Maine because the cost are high and because of regulations. Seniors are concerned about rising cost as their incomes do not increase. They are fearful they won’t be able to pay their taxes and be forced out of their homes. Also, people have expressed concern over the drug use in Maine and how much is brought into are state. They have expressed many times about the bickering in Augusta and of course in the Federal Government.

Are there areas to cut money from the state budget without cutting services to people who need them, and if so, where would you start cutting?

I will be evaluating information and data to make an informed decision where expenditures can be cut without cutting essential services.

What makes you the best candidate to serve in this office?

I have served the citizens of Topsham for over 20 years and I have listened to them about their needs. I have been a lifetime resident of Maine and have lived and worked on both ends of the state, therefore, have an understanding of the people’s needs. I have worked with many statutes to understand local and state law in my capacity as town clerk and deputy tax collector. I have owned and operated three successful businesses, therefore I have a good understanding when business owners talk to me. These are the reasons I am the best candidate for the House of Representatives district 54.

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